How to Install WordPress Plugins and Settings. Plugins are scripts or additional software that has special functions that are not available in the blog. Examples of such special functions for SEO, image and text effects, language translation, security, ecommerce.
WordPress Plugins iscreated by the developers of users and WordPress lovers, so that WordPress can be more advanced and growing. You can be a Plugin builder if you understand coding.
We can get the Worpress Plugins on the site that has been determined, namely at There are thousands of WordPress Plugins that can be used according to the needs of our blog. Remarkably again that plugins can be downloaded for free.
In the wordpress structure, plugins are in the 'wp-content / plugins' folder meaning that if you can not install plugins automatically via the dashboard you can upload the plug-in via cpanel to the folder. Here is how to install plugins on wordpress by default.
Open the Dashboard and look at the left menu 'Plugins >> Add New' then we will be taken on the plugins option board. Please select the required plugins and click install and then Activate plugins are active and can be set if it needs to be set.
How to install wordpressplugins
Plugins as an add on script other than can be installed and enabled we can also uninstall or do dactivate
instal plug-ins
In addition to the above, sometimes we have to install plugins through files from outside or if we buy premium plugins are paid. Usually we can install the plugin by manually uploading the plugins file which is usually in the form of zip or rar compression.
instal plug-ins
Is there a paid WordPress Plugin? Of course. In line with the rapid development of WordPress, many people see it as a promising business opportunity. Now, many developers make Plugins for commercial purposes. They create Plugins that have special functions, then sell them to those who need them.
see video related to this post, sourced from
Good luck, do not jump to try, because without trying you will never be able
16 komentar
nice information .. thanks :)
thanks for this information :)
plugins wordpress sangat lengkap dari pada blogger
nice tutorial, thanks you bro
I finally found what I was looking for. thanks for the information
Thanks for information
lebih mudah install plugin wordpress
thanks sir ... :D
this tutorial is complite, very easy to install plugin
yeah... that completely tutorial about plugin
this is a new way that I know, because I never try to instal wordpress before, thanks
Nice Info Gan
wordpress memang mantab nice info gan :D
it's very helpfully. Thanks for this article
Wah plugin wordpress sangatlengkap
wah keren nh gan tutor nya thnks thnks