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WordPress blog became one of the popular cms, its use is no
longer limited to a blog or personal website. Many sites ranging from e-learning,
e-commerce, even the site of a company made from wordpress . Wordpress
advantages cannot be separated from the developers who develop applications in
2 ways, the first development is done on WordPress.com environment and the
second in the WordPress.org environment.
WordPress.org - wordpress landing page
WordPress.org Is an open source version of Wordpress app, or
offline wordpress . The users of this wordpress can freely change and add
existing applications. For the sake of development of the open source
applications are needed, so the existing applications will be better.
Excess WordPress.org
1. Flexible because users can modify or add facilities that
are not provided. Various additional applications such as themes, widgets and plug-in
available many, either paid or free.
2. Free to use the domain and hosting place anywhere.
3. Can be run on a local server, so users can more freely in
making a site and after so just run on the server hosting.
Lack of WordPress.org
1. Not all users can use it, because it takes the ability in
the database and other programming languages.
2. Although free, but the facilities provided are not
guaranteed, so everything that happens with the site is the responsibility of
its users.
3. Not stable, because every update made by wordpress
application developers sometimes not compatible or compatible with
modifications made by users.
WordPress.com - wordpress landing page
WordPress.com Is a hosting site that provides facilities to
its users to use their products in the form of wordpress applications for free,
or paid if you want a domain without any additional domain.wordpress.com.
Wordpress application used in wordpress.com is the result of wordpress developers
devoted to the development of wordpress.com.
Excess WordPress.com
1. Its users can use wordpress application for free
2. Easy to use, because the user does not have to understand
about the database and coding the rein .
3. More stable, because there is support developers in it
that are ready to help.
Lack of WordPress.com
Can only use the facilities already provided.
If using the free facility will be a subdomain of its parent
your.domain.wordpress.com and can not be used hosted others.
Less flexible, because developers don't only take care of your
site or blog.
So, want to use wordpress.org or wordpress.com?
If you as a normal user who is less understanding with the
database and programming languages, but you have the desire to create a site or
blog, you should use wordpress.com. Not just for free, but your application
will be more stable because there is a team of developers who take care of the
application you use. Although the domain used for this free facility uses an additional
domain. wordpress.com, but you can upgrade it to a domain without additional. wordpress.com with paid facilities.
If you as a user understand the database and programming
language, you should use the application from wordpress.org. Its use is a bit difficult
because we have to take care of the application without the help of developers,
but on the other hand, we get the advantage because we are free to modify
facilities that are not provided by the developer. In addition, we can learn how
to make a reliable application.
Better to use wordpress.com application facility first while
learning to use wordpress.org application, so you will learn a lot how making a good application.
Dashboard: dashboard is the center of our blog's control
panel. Contains Sub menu:
Sub Menu Dashboard
Home: link to our Dashboard home page
The comments I made: contains the comments we have made
Site stats: contains blog statistics, such as the number of
blog visitors
Blogs that I follow: contains a list of blogs that we have followed
Sub Menu Writing
All posts: All lists of good writings, we have published as
well as in draft form. We can edit or delete a single or multiple posts at once
from the page
Add new: Click to add text
Category: Contains all categories of posts, we can edit or
delete a or several categories of posts at once through the page
Tags: Contains all the tag posts, we can edit or delete a
tag or multiple tags at once through the page
Copy a post: Click to add text by copying an or some posts
from our existing text.
Sub Menu Media
Reader: Contains all the images or videos we have uploaded /
uploaded to our blog. We can add, edit and permanently delete image files /
videos one by one or several at a time through this page.
Add new: Click to add new media (image, video)
Sub Menu Link
All links: Contains all links / links
Add new: Add links / links
Link Category: Category link / link us
PAGES: Page is a static page usually filled with profile
posts, about us, about me and others
Sub Menu Page
All pages: Contains all the pages we have created; we can
edit or delete a page or multiple pages at a time
Add new: Click to add a page
Copy a page: Click to create a page by copying the page we
created earlier
Comment Sub Menu
COMMENT: contains comments from our blog
Feedback Sub Menu
Poll: used to create and edit Polls in our blog. Polls are a
poll for our visitors. For example, we create a Widget question "how do we
think about this blog?"
Then under it we give a choice
a. Very well
c. Not good
d. Ugly and others
Sub Menu Display
Theme: to change the theme of the blog
Widgets: to add and subtract blog decorations
Menu: to add and reduce blog menu
Head of the page: to change the header
Background: to change the background of the blog
Custom design: to replace our blog cms code (for wordpress
Mobile: to enable our mobile version of the blog so that the
display when in open via HP, the display remains neat with the view of the mobile
User Sub Menu
All users: all blog users, We can invite friends to write on
the blog
Invite new friends: invite our friends to join to write in
our blog (our friends who both use blog My profile: information about the profile
Personal settings: personal settings on our blog
Sub Menu Tools
Import: use import to import all content from our previous
blog. Maybe before we have a blog on blogspot.com, multiply.com, blog.com,
blogdetik.com or other blogs and we want to move all the images and posts on
wordpress blog
Remove site: use this to delete wordpress blog
Export: export all the contents of our blog in the form of a
file. This is important to do regularly to avoid our blog at any time may be
deleted by the wordpress or hacked by irresponsible people. And we do not lose
the contents of our blog because we have exported the contents of our blog in
the form of files.
Sub Menu Settings
General: set the blog title, blog slogan, email address,
time zone, date format, time format, language
Write: setting up writing on your blog
Reading: setting read on your blog
Discussion: setting blog comments
Media: media settings on blogs
Sharing: Connect your wordpress blog account with social
media like facebook , twitter, linked in, tumblr . And yahoo . Set sharing button
at the end of our writing so that readers can share our writing through social
media like face book , twitter, linked in, tumbler.,
Email post change: to organize new posts by email
Open ID: to use a single id that can be used for various services
Introduction and explanation of WordPress Plugins
An introduction and explanation WordPress plugin needs to be
submitted for those of you who just built the first wordpress blog. By knowing
the plugin and its type type we can improve the performance of wordpress blogs
that are being built. The definition of the plugin itself is an application
made from the composition of PHP codes that provide additional feature features
to the blog wordpress platform to further improve performance and quality.
The first time we install wordpress in our hosting there are
some plugins already installed. Usually plugin Hello Dolly and plugin spam
blocker akismet . 2 this plugin is off and we have to activate it. We can add
another plugin plugin as needed. What plugin should I add? Here's why you
should read the Introduction and explanation of WordPress Plugin.
There are many types of wordpress plugins that circulate on
the internet. This type of type is based on the functionality of the plugin.
Here is a type of wordpress plugin based on its function:
SEO Plugin
This plugin works for optimization beside SEarch Engine
Optimization. Lots of internet that provides this type of plugin, there is a
free but mostly paid because SEO plugin is the main requirement Blog we can grow
in the eyes of search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo. Examples of these
SEO plugins are SEO by yoast , All in one SEO Pack, Platinum SEO, google XML and
more. This plugin is mandatory for you to have, I recommend SEO by Yoast if you
want free.
Security Plugin
This plugin works to improve the security of our wordpress
blog. By installing this type of plugin at least we reduce the threat of threat
from people who intend evil against our blog. Most of which often attack the
blog is the Spammers. Hackers rarely attack the blog because the hack process
is not as fast as the spam process. One of the nice plugins for this Security
Is All in One Security
The Form Plugin works to create an instance form such as a
CONTACT page. There is a form that should be in the contents such as name,
email address and stuffing messagenya . Form form is made with menggunkaan
plugin of this type. At the beginning of the beginning of learning may seem
difficult to use this plugin but over time will quickly adept . The
recommendation of this plugin from the first is contact form
Social Plugins
Social plugin is an important plugin today because social
media is one source of good traffic. Social media is never empty. There are
just one online seconds. Therefore the addition of Social plugins will be very
important for a wordpress blog. Maybe you often see the buttons of social media
in a blog. His position was various kinds there are on the blog there are below
and some are hanging on the edge of the post. Now also many who use post
comments with social media accounts and even login also with social media. This
plugin is easy to set up easily. For buttons and post comments are not too
complicated but for login facility with social media is very complicated.
Beginner will be very confused with this but belajatr should still be.
Apart from the four types above there are many more plugin
plugins with certain functionality functions. To know more about the plugin you
should try it and learn what is less than your blog so know which plugin should
be added or install. Hopefully the article Introduction and explanation of
WordPress Plugin is useful for you who are learning wordpress . Do not hesitate
to share well because your friends may also need this article.
See the making of wordpress website
4 komentar
Cita-cita saya banget mas, bisa punya landing page, tapi belum ada dana buat hosting dll
bagus bang artikelnya .. tapi kok artikel tentang wordprees blog ini kok blogger??
Nice bang articles .. but kok article about this blog wordpress kok blogger ??
Thank you very much for this useful article. I like it.