In this post I will discuss about the tutorial to create an online store using the popular platform CMS WordPress. You need to know in advance that WordPress is not just a tool to create a blog only but you can use for various purposes, one of which is to create an online store website.
By using WordPress you can generate an online store website with various features of online store needs with very complete and professional online store design look. For beginners who are new to WordPress not to worry about WordPress, WordPress is very secure and always updated so that using WordPress you will not feel your system is outdated and vulnerable to hacker attacks that may interfere with the destruction of your online selling business later.
To create an online store with WordPress of course you will need a plugin to make WordPress can have a function for online stores. Because by default WordPress when you first install you can only use for blogging or websites with standard functions. And for the tutorial to create an online store with WordPress I chose to use WooCommerce plugin. Many other plugins that you can use to create online stores in WordPress such as WP Ecommerce, Jigoshop and others. But to follow this tutorial you have to use WooCommerce.
wordpress online store
I chose WooCommerce because this plugin is the free ecommerce plugin solution for the most popular or the most popular WordPress user. According to BuiltWith, as of December 2016, WooCommerce is used by more than 42% of all online stores around the world! So that WooCommerce developers will always keep plugins still getting updates and always create new features to further improve plugin capability in running online stores. If you are looking to open an online store with WordPress then choosing WooCommerce is one of the best decisions you make.
WooCommerce is also a free plugin that can be downloaded in the official library. WooCommerce also has features in payment processing to support payments via Bank Transfer, Paypal, COD (Cash on Delivery), free Delivery and also credit card. WordPress theme developers also put more emphasis on this plugin by creating WordPress themes that support or support with WooCommerce, so you'll easily find free and paid WordPress themes that support WooCommerce plugins rather than with other online store plugins.
Not only is the theme developer a lot of WordPress theme support with WooCommerce but also many plugin developers who create plugins to add features that are lacking in WooCommerce. In addition WooCommerce is built using WordPress best practices both on the front end and back end. Woocommerce is an efficient, powerful, mobile friendly and intuitive plugin. The Dashboard page is cool and presents the full report as you need it.
wordpress online store
To start making an online store with WooCommerce and for your practice to be compatible with this tutorial and as well as the result like the picture above then you should prepare course is to download the same theme and plugin. In this tutorial I assume you have installed WordPress on your hosting or on your local computer
The materials you should download: WordPress
The latest version of WooCommerce plugin
The newest version of Shop Isle
And do not forget to set up domain names and hosting for your online store, all you can buy through the best and cheapest web hosting
Please feel free to download all the files you need above. I am on this tutorial choose the theme of shop isle because this theme is free and looks interesting, simple and have got update for latest WordPress so have interesting feature with design refer to year 2017. You can see final result for online store which we will make later with WooCommerce and The Isle Shop Theme is as follows
»Online Shop Demo.
5 komentar
nice artikel bang, mau buat ecommers juga sih rencana
mantap gan infonya...
thanks for information
nice info pak bisa bikin web store nih
bagus ini infonya berguna banget