Post this time I would like to share my experience about Google
AdSense Accounts rejection of
submission I have ever experienced. When we receive an email notification that our Google
AdSense account submission is not accepted for several reasons,
from the reasons mentioned earlier, we are starting to improve our website and site for subsequent submissions.
How to Sign Up for Adsense |
Here are email notifications about why my Google
AdSense Account submission was rejected:
Google AdSense account can not be activated because you have 2 Google
AdSense Account.
Google AdSense account can not be activated because your site does not comply with the
AdSense program policies
How to handle it ?
If you also get a notification on the first
point then all you need to do is close another Google
AdSense account, then please restart the Post activation process this time I want to share my experience about the refusal of Google
AdSense Account Application I have ever experienced. When we receive an email notification that our Google
AdSense account submission is not accepted for several reasons, from the reasons mentioned
earlier we are starting to improve our website and site for subsequent submissions.
Here are email notifications about why my Google
AdSense Account submission was rejected:
Google AdSense account can not be activated because you have 2 Google
AdSense Account.
Google AdSense account can not be activated because your site does not comply with the
AdSense program policies
How to handle it ?
If you also get a notification on the first
point then all you need to do is close another Google
AdSense account, then you can start registering again with the same steps.
While to overcome the notification on the second
point then you should visit the
Google AdSense help page, then look at all the policies that must be
obeyed so that your website or blog site can be submitted for a Google
AdSense account.
Hopefully you can learn from the two points above, if you get the same notification with my experience.
2 komentar
This artikel is nice. Good (y) For newbie Blogger before sign up Google Adsense Publisher.
Wow, nice info min. Now, I know how to signup Google Adsense. Thank you :D