Post this time about SEO Optimization ALT Text Image and Title Image WordPress. Content website or blog not only consists of text only but the image also plays an important role in web content. But not many website owners optimize their images for site speed or better search ranking. Although WordPress comes with the option of adding alt text and image titles, it's still often the beginner does not understand the differences and how to use them. In this article, I will show the difference between alt text image and title image in WordPress.
Alt text or alternate text is an attribute added to the image tag in HTML. This text appears inside the image container when the image can not be displayed. It helps search engines understand what the content of the image is. Alternate text is also helpful in case of images not found on the page or damaged image, look like the picture below.
Title image is another attribute that can be added to the image tag in HTML. This title image is used to assign a title to your image. The text you enter in the title tag will not be displayed to the user when the image can not be displayed. Instead, the title tag of this image is displayed when you highlight the image with the mouse.
Alttext image and image title are also used to improve the accessibility of your site to people with readers on devices with poor vision screens. The tool will read the entire text article when displaying the image. This lets the user know why you added the image to the article even if the user can not see it.
Title Image WordPress
You can add Alt text easily in wordpress to the images you want to use when uploading using the built-in media uploader.
Add alt image in wordpress
Alt Tekt this image is very useful to facilitate the search engine in mapping the pictures in the search query.
see video related to this post, sourced from
10 komentar
Nice tips. Thanks
The use of alt tags and title images on blogs is very important to describe images
Thanks for sharing this article, ^_^
thanks for information, optimize alt text image very important to blogging wordprez
keren dengan optimization alt text image and titlenya
nice article gan
Thanks ilmunya walaupun sederhana tapi bermanfaat
thanks for information,, nice artikel
Thanks for your Artikel,Nice Artikel
Thanks, article good