Friday, 8 September 2017

3 Websites To Help Find The Best Domain Name Ideas

When you are having an idea to create a blog or website then it is a good idea and please continue, but there are things that might make you think harder when searching for an idea of ​​a domain name that suits your liking and especially the domain name must contain the word key or niche of your blog.
Domain Generator
Domain Generator

Choosing a domain name can be very difficult and spend a lot of time if you choose a domain name that contains keywords or brands from your business. Not to mention when you find the domain name and want to buy it turns out the domain name is already owned by someone else, then you have to search and search again. But you do not need to worry anymore, because here I will provide a list of domain name generator website that you can use to facilitate you in searching the domain name ideas for your blog and of course the domain names recommended for you are still available and you can buy

The domain generator website will give you some choice of domain names from the keywords you enter. The results displayed will be combined with interesting choice words and some are combined with some letters that you may never have thought of before.

This generator website will also bring up the preferred domain names that are still available (not owned by anyone else) so you can buy them directly. And with this generator website, you can find many options ideas quickly for just a few seconds.

For example: You want to create a blog that has a niche about "WordPress". You can type the keyword "WordPress" or the keyword "WP" and later will appear a combination of very many domain names. Like: or that looks cool and could be an interesting choice for you.


Below is a list of domain name generator websites that will quickly give you the results of some domain name suggestions, but before trying the website below you should read my previous article as knowledge how to choose a good domain name for your business.

Lean Domain Search Generator Domain
Lean Domain Search Generator Domain
Lean Domain Search is a domain name generator that helps you find domain names that are available to you. This generator website will give you some of the best suggestions from your keyword combination results, even these generators can display hundreds to thousands of domain name results.

Lean Domain Search is now in the acquisition by the company behind WordPress is Automattic. Unlike other domain generators, this site only displays the results of domain names that are still available. And also displays information whether the domain name you choose is already used as a username twitter or not.

To use this domain name generator, you just need to type in your main keywords, then Lean Domain Search will return with the entire list of suggestions. You can also quickly sort by keyword position, length, and some other filters. But all you need to know is that Lean Domain Search only searches domains with .com extension only.

Panabee Domain Generator
Panabee Domain Generator

Panabee is a domain name generator that will deliver results from a combination of syllabic rearrangements, backward spellings, a mix of vowels, an additional combination of slangy letters and a few other things.

Panabee provides a choice of domain names for various extensions such as .com, .net, .co, .me, org and many more options. But unfortunately this domain generator also displays domain names that are not available with a flagged heart icon split and a blue heart icon for available domain names.

Name Mesh Domain Generator
Name Mesh Domain Generator
Name Mesh is a domain name generator that provides simple domain name suggestions like Lean Domain Search, as well as more creative options such as Panabee with grouped search results making it easier for you to choose to find the best. The suggestions are divided into different categories. This category includes:

  • Domains with additional common words
  • SEO-focused domains
  • Domains "Fun" with creative suggestions
  • The domain is short
  • Domain mix by adding some suffix letters like "er", "ly" and more.


That's 3 websites that you can use to help you in finding domain name ideas quickly. Finding the right domain name will also affect on SEO as well as branding on your business. When you find the appropriate domain name results from all three websites above, you can directly buy it through their links that have been directly connected with several leading hosting companies such as Godaddy, Bluehost and others.

Domain purchase links contain affiliate links where they get a commission from the hosting company. You can choose to use their link as an appreciation of the website's help on you or you can buy through the best hosting company of your choice. Read: The Web Hosting Service Company Recommended by WordPress Hope this article is useful and good luck finding the best domain for your blog with help website above.

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Ga ada bahasa indonesianya nich..
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