Tuesday, 12 September 2017


An advantage for wordpress users, because WordPress is a CMS platform (Content Management System) that has the most themes or themes free or paid that you can find on the internet, the WordPress.org library already contained tens of thousands of free WordPress themes not to mention made by theme developers who have not uploaded their theme in the WordPress library.

Because many have a choice of WordPress themes make you as a WordPress user easy to find the best design to your liking. In suportwordpress.com  also there are more than 500 free WordPress themes with design options for various categories. You can see it here.

So, if creating a website or blog with WordPress do not worry about the design of your website, because you can easily get themes with interesting designs both free and premium WordPress themes. But in this article I will not discuss about how to search for WordPress theme but how to install themes WordPress. This is a guide for beginners who are just learning WordPress and do not know how to install WordPress themes.

In this tutorial, I will create an article for you in detail about step by step instructions how to install WordPress theme. I will give you three different ways to install WordPress themes. The way below you can use one of them that you think the easiest.

When you want to change your old WordPress theme with new WordPress theme is very easy, because the installation process WordPress theme just click and finish. But keep in mind that if you enable a new theme, it will change your site both in terms of appearance and functionality. And read this article before you change your WordPress theme »11 Things to do before changing WordPress themes.

For the first way using this search feature you can only use if you want to install WordPress themes that are already in the official WordPress.org library. This is the easiest and fastest way for you to do.

To install with this search features the first thing you need to do is log in to your WordPress admin area. Next, click on Appearance »Themes menu.
Once you are on the Themes page, click on the "Add New" button at the top.
After clicking "Add New" you do, then you will see pages with lots of WordPress themes displayed in the form of thumbnails. And at the top there are many choices of themes based on "Featured", "Popular", "Latest", "Favorites" or you can do theme filtering with various options.

In the upper right corner there is a search field that you can use to search for themes according to the name of the theme you want to install. For example, I already have a free theme option named "Hueman". To install it, then I type in search form with the keyword "Hueman" like picture above.
After that you will see the WordPress theme named "Hueman" is displayed and when your thumbanail highlight will appear Detail and Preview button and at the bottom there is Install and Preview button. Please click "Install" button.
WordPress will perform the theme installation process and display a successful message. But to use the theme you have to activate it by click "Activated" button.


As I explained in the first method that the search method can only be done if the WordPress theme is installed in the WordPress.org directory, but if you want to install WordPress themes from premium WordPress theme providers such as Mythemeshop, Elegant themes or other WordPress theme developers, You need to use this second method of uploading from WordPress Admin.

First time, please to download .zip file from premium theme provider the theme from WordPress theme provider.  Please login to your WordPress admin area and click Appearance »Themes.

Once you are on the Themes page, click on the Add New button at the top or click "Add New" themes.
On the next page, click on the "Upload Themes" button at the top.

You will be prompted to select the zip file you downloaded earlier. Select the file located on your computer and click Install Now.  Once your theme is installed, you will see a success message along with a link to activate and preview the theme.

Click the "Activated" button, and you have successfully installed and activated your WordPress theme. Depending on the theme, it may add additional settings options that you may need to configure either through theme customizers or via separate option panels.

Note: The upload theme function is only available for self-hosted WordPress users. If you use WordPress.com, then you will not see this option because the upload feature is restricted to WordPress.com users.

This third method is a slightly more complicated method than the two ways above and it is basically not for beginners. But by trying this way you will improve your experience and knowledge in managing your Website. The third way is to install WordPress themes using FTP.

To start it you have to install FTP software on your computer, you can use Filezilla or see the list of FTP software here. Once you have installed the FTP software you need to log in using the FTP account, you have obtained from your hosting service provider.

Having successfully connected with the WordPress file on your hosting server. Please go to the "Themes" folder located at (/ wp-content / themes /). Once you are there, simply upload your theme folder there.  Remember, you should unzip the folder before you upload the theme using FTP. Once you have finished uploading your WordPress theme, please go back into your WordPress admin area and click Appearance »Themes menu.  You will see your new theme visible in the list. Please click on the "Activated" menu to activate your WordPress theme.

see video related to this post, sourced from youtube.com

Above are 3 easy ways to install WordPress theme, this guide hopefully helps new user of WordPress in installing WordPress themes. Hopefully useful and good luck

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