Tuesday, 12 September 2017


1. General Settings: general settings by default for Site Title and Tagline already filled to adjust to when we first install wordpress, and if you are less appropriate can replace it. Please replace with correct data except WordPress Address URL and Site Address URL, because we learn offline then leave as default.
Membership: For Membership depends on you, whether to check or ignore, if in check then anyone can register on your website as user. Underneath there are also New User Default Role, there are 5 Subscriber, Contributor, Author, Editor and Administrator. If activating Membership is recommended choose Subscriber because it has the most minimal permission.
Next to the settings in general settings is the timezone setting, choose according to the time in your place, and adjust the date format as you wish.

2. Reading Settings
The front page display by default will select Your latest post, meaning it will automatically display the last post on the front page, and if we select A static page, then we can choose what we like in the page / post that we will display on the homepage. In this tutorial I will let by default only.

Blog pages show at most: choose how many posts to display in frontpage. I filled out 5 post articles. For Syndication feeds show I leave the default 10. Then save by pressing the Save Changes button.

3. Media Setting
media-setting-wordpressMedia This setting is used to set the size of image files that we will display, in default there are 3 kinds of wordpress thumbnail size, Medium Size, and Large Size. Ditutorial this I leave the default as the picture above.

4. Permalink Settings: In this setting associated with the url that we will display in the url browser, do we want a beautiful url in accordance with the title of our post or show the url by default which is certainly not easy to read. This setting is certainly very influential with SEO, so here I choose permalink settings Post name to facilitate the article that we created has a beautiful url and liked by google or other search engines. For more details please see in the picture below.

see video related to this post, sourced from youtube.com

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Thankyou for your tips about SETTINGS ON WORDPRESS.

Thankyou for your tips about SETTINGS ON WORDPRESS.

Thankyou for your tips about SETTINGS ON WORDPRESS.