Adsense provides a facility called a custom channel or custom channel, a special channel can increase the CPC value if the user is right, in fact to increase the CPC google adsense value there are several ways we can do from start selecting good ads, the strategic location of the laying, target visitors who sourced google search engine and many more, but one thing that has a role to influence the CPC value is no less important, that is by monitoring each ad concerned, so we can do a lot of experiments and ultimately can determine the type of ad units that match in pairs on the blog page we have.
One that we can use to monitor every ad unit is the use of a dedicated channel facility of google adsense. special channels can we consider as a grouping of ad units attached to the blog or site so that all the information each ad can we monitor one by one, why should use a special channel, because if not using a special channel, each ad that we install will not can we know which ads have the best performance, which ads have the highest number of clicks or which ads have the highest CPC value, because in general google adsense only report the number of clicks and click value average for the entire ad, so we do not know which of the ads we put that get the best performance, keculi ads that you install only one ad only, therefore, to overcome the problem we can use the special channel facilities.
The Google Channel Custom Channel function
Understanding Special Channel Functions In Google Adsense here are some special channel functions for adsense ads:
1. Custom Channels can monitor the performance of each ad unit
One of the important functions of special labor is to categorize and simultaneously facilitate monitoring the performance of each ad, for example the ads that we put in our blog page a number of 3 ad units as follows:
a. 300x250 ad above article
b. An ad with a 300x600 size placed in the middle right sidebar
c. An ad with a 360x250 size is placed under the end of the post
If the three ads above, we install without a special channel we will be difficult, to know which of the three ads above that have the best performance, the cause because the information reported in adsense is for the average of the entire ad, not detailed one by one, because it is so that we can monitor the performance of each ad above, we must create a special channel, for each of these ads, the name of a special channel we can set according to our wishes
Let's say I will create 3 special channels for the ads above, special channels for advertising I love the name "Ads Above Articles", then a special channel for ad b, I love the name "Right Sidebar Ads" and for my ad-specific channel c love the name "Ads Below the article", each special channel must have at least a minimum of 1 ad unit, and each specific channel we make references to a particular ad unit depends on the grouping we make, from the special channel we are over, Ad performance information placed In the right sidebar, we just select a special channel with the name "Right Sidebar Ads", then see the performance information, then we will easily find the information, as well as for other ads that have been made especially channel. therefore, special channels are very effective at monitoring the performance of each ad.
2. Can offer advertisers the location of targeted ad placements
The second function is to use a special channel then through the help of googleadsense, special channels that we make can be informed and view to the advertiser or advertiser, so that when advertisers are interested in advertising data on a special channel that we make both the type of advertising, color ads, ad locations and other advertising attributes, will try to put their ads on the special channel that we created through google adword. thus the profit we will get is the CPC value for the ad will be relatively high, the more advertisers interested in the special channel we make, then the level of competition among advertisers will be greater, as well as an auction system, only the highest CPC bid value only who will get the special channel. the effect CPC values for ads appearing on these custom channels will get better.
see video related to this post, sourced from
Thus the information I can share with you about the Google Channel Custom Channel functionality, may be useful.