Wednesday, 6 September 2017

What is Social Media Marketing?

Maybe you just heard even new about what social media marketing, but for those of you who often dabbled in the world of internet marketing of social media marketing terms are not foreign to your ears, social media marketing can be interpreted as an online marketing techniques or digital with utilizing social media like facebook, twitter Google plus and other social media that is popular today.

 Social Media Marketing
 Social Media Marketing
For business people, the existence of various social media can be used as a means of promoting or marketing the products they sell, promotions in social media is considered as one form of promotion is very potential because these sites in general have users with an extraordinary amount of of all ages and diverse economic levels, social media has become a very quick tool for exchanging information when compared to conventional techniques.

There are many advantages that we can get by utilizing promotions using social media, the first social media is a popular site that most users and the second in general social media is supported by facilities that allow every member or user social media account able to interact and share information one each other quickly, can be in the form of status, mutual love, share (share), so it will form a word of mouth quickly.

How do we do online promotion using social media marketing?
Method of marketing Products Online Through Social Media
Here are the steps you can do to implement social media marketing so that your products sell quickly:
1. Presenting a Pages Site or blog that can support your online business
Before you do online promotion especially through social media it would be nice to present the first site that is able to present complete information about what you promote, if you sell online, then you should be able to present a website that provides online products that you also as well as for other businesses, this is not mandatory but this is the best way you can do.

Your official site will be the first page visited by your online visitors or visitors, if by chance your visitors want to get more details about what you offer, they should be able to visit the site you prepared through the link you included.

The site can be presented using free blog or top level domain (TLD) blog with ending .com, .net, .org etc., but it is best to create a site with top level domain in order to increase the trust of your customers.

2. Create a special page On popular social media sites today.
Indeed there are many free social media sites that you can choose, you should choose social media that is popular today, some very popular social media that you can choose among others is, face book, twitter or Google plus, social media is in my opinion a very potential social media for your current marketing medium.

In general, these sites already provide facilities to create a special page such as fans page on face book, the special page is like a blog that provides information that varies in accordance with the wishes of the owner, ranging from companies, education, services, physical products, artist, community and still many others.

you can start making fanspage by choosing the appropriate category for the business you are promoting, you can use your fanpage to interact with customers or members who have an interest in the products you sell.

3. Determining the Target market and Looking for potential customers
The next step is to look for target markets and prospects, you must be able to determine the target market for the product you offer, whether for students, housewives, young people or people who have a certain hoby

Because your main target is social media, then you can take advantage of social media members who really have an interest in the products you offer.

How to get a prospect you can start by looking for facebook groups that most likely have an interest in the product you are marketing,
One of the forms is as follows:

Suppose you intend to market products in the form of Sport Leather Jacket and also sports gloves, to get customers, at least you should be able to find groups of facebook that most likely have an interest in the product you are marketing,
Here are some steps to find customers, you can do:
a. Find a facebook group that is likely to have an interest in the product you are marketing.
Some facebook groups that you can find if you market are gloves and sports leather jackets such as motor racing fan groups, or groups like that are likely to have an interest in the product you are marketing. Please enter your facebook page, then do a group-group search. You will find many groups, please you select some groups that have enough members, join with the group on behalf of your fanpage page, until you are really allowed to join.
b. Make every facebook member who loves the group as your friend, invite to make friends only 10-15 people every day. Do not worry too much about your actions being considered spam.
c. Or you can also like Status or member comments on the group, with status me like then such notification will be visible by the member in question that you are using the fanspage you created me like them, chances are they will pass your fanspage. The number of each member of the group that you think has potential to be your potential customers.
d. Do the above until your fanspage has a lot of fans, the more you love your fanspage then indirectly you already have prospective customers to promote the products you sell, chances are potential customers can be converted into buyers.

4. Do a proper sales strategy Just think of your Facebook Fan page or your followers on Twitter you use for media campaign marketing your product already has the number of likes or the number of fans or a lot of followers, the next step you have to do is deliver a promotional message to arrive to every fan page your page page. There are many ways we can do, can use your own way or can use a special sales strategy. There are two categories when we do the technique of marketing products online, can be soft (Soft Selling) or can directly (hard selling), the difference between the two methods in terms of how to deliver the message, as follows:
a. Hard Selling is a marketing strategy in the form of delivery of messages that are rational / informational. This message is aimed to touch the mind and create a response based on the logical. The goal of hard selling is to create sales. In practice, this hard selling is represented in the form of direct selling and sales promotion. Hard selling actually conveys a sales message directly without being too long and the target is to create sales, for example the form of hard selling: " Sell ​​laptop with interested specifications contact 100% discount, hunt for the first 10 buyers "

b. Soft SellingWhile soft selling is a sales strategy using an emotional message delivery method, it can affect customers emotionally, this strategy seeks to create responses based on emotional behavior, mood, dreams, feelings and appeal. Soft-selling does not directly impact sales, but ultimately can create sales.
Soft selling messages always start with things that can lure potential customers emotionally, the example of soft selling strategy that we often encounter is advertisted on television, many of which are advertisements on television that only introduce the product but not directly using the sales message. When there are shampoo ads on television, for example, advertising content does not directly deliver sales messages, but rather to emotional messages such as effects after using the shampoo, or electronic advertisements such as not directly delivering sales messages directly, but rather introduce the positive effects of using the electronic tool, what is the advantage over using the tool such electronics.

What is the most suitable strategy for marketing products through social media?
For the promotion of social dimension which strategy is the most suitable?,

of course a suitable strategy is a soft selling strategy, before you sell a product, you can start your sales by creating gradual statuses that can affect the prospect emotionally, just like an advertisement on tv, Like if you want to sell a book with the title "healthy diet in 30 days", then you can start your sales by creating messages in the social media status of educating eg "danger of overweight for health", "introducing healthy foods to diet etc." after the emotional messages you create next you can instantly make your offer so they feel hooked to buy), eg "This is a book worthy of your healthy diet" 10% discount for 5 major buyers "contact or click here for more information". With the above message delivery strategy means you indirectly use the soft selling strategy for your online sales. Online marketing strategy can indeed be done by free so minimal budget you or if you have enough capital you can also set aside capital for paid promotion both, you can do with the aim main to create an effective marketing system, unique and popular for many people

see video related to this post, sourced from

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